The HSF is continually working to upgrade our neighborhood. Security, lighting, and road repair/maintenance are our target projects, endorsed at our last general meeting.


The meeting agreed for homeowners to pay a recurring annual fee of USD 720.00 and a one-time initial charge of USD 300.00 to offset installation costs for the poles, cameras and other equipment needed for the new camera surveillance security system

Since we are all making use of the roads in Belair, and want to live in nice and safe environment, we trust that everyone is willing to contribute financially to the implementation of this security plan and the ongoing repair/maintenance of our roads.

If you are not a homeowner or not sure if you are an HSF member, please refer to your deed or kindly contact us via the contact page on our website on how you can participate.


Soon invoices will be sent out via e-mail and whatsapp directly to all homeowners for the period July–December 2022. The annual fee (Payable quarterly; semi-annually or annually) and one-time initial charge (Payable upon receipt) will be billed separately.

If you are not a home owner, but a tenant , please provide us (HSF) with the updated contact details (Address, name, phone number and e-mail address) of the homeowner.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the board of the Hillside Foundation.