On Saturday Sept 18, 2021 a group of residents gathered at the entrance of the Belair area. The entry of the Otterroad is often littered with garbage. The group started at 6 AM and worked their way up to the garbage container at the end of the road. They did not shy away from going beyond the side of the road. Apart from the already expected “blown away garbage” they also picked up house hold garbagebags and a stove. The Foundation thanks the voluteers for their effort. You made the difference that Saturday. The foundation plans to organize more occacions like this to keep Belair clean.

On Saturday Sept 18, 2021 a group of residents gathered at the entrance of the Belair area. The entry of the Otterroad is often littered with garbage. The group started at 6 AM and worked their way up to the garbage container at the end of the road. They did not shy away from going beyond the side of the road. Apart from the already expected “blown away garbage” they also picked up house hold garbage bags and a stove. (Thank you Jisk and Robbert) Thanks to all the volunteers for their effort. You made the difference that Saturday.
The foundation plans to organize more occasions like this to keep Belair clean.