Fort Willem hike – 3,5 km, this hike is mainly on road and gravel but the views are priceless  At the top you can see half of the island from Philipsburg up to St. Peter’s and even Simpson Bay. 

Park your car around the hospital in Belair and start following the road up in Belair. It goes cris-cros up until the top. The first km’s are on the road and fairly easy to walk, the last 1km up is on gravel and really going straight up. This part can be pretty intense, but once you’ve reached the top the views compensate your efforts 

Fort Trigge was built in 1801 by the British before the Dutch captured the fort in 1816 and named it after their former king William. The fort was used to protect the capital Philipsburg up to 1846, from that time onwards it is unused and fell into disrepair. From Fort Willem there is unfortunately not much left, you’ll find just some remains of walls and from the walls that where intact they (very unfortunately) made a cell-tower.

We advise you to go before 9:30 am or after 4 pm as the road soaks up the heat making it a real challenge once the sun is up high  Up, approximate 1 hour and down 45 min, intensity first part 5/10, the second part is 7/10. Bring enough water to stay hydrated and a sweet snacks in case people feel down. 

Description of the hike by WeAreSXM. Please visit their website for more suggestions.